Let’s Chat

Steadfast Living Therapy in Tennessee and Montana

Rates and FAQs

What are your rates?

– 50-minute session: $150

– 90-minute session: $270

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical and mental health care will cost. Learn more about Good Faith Estimates here.

Do you accept insurance?

I am not in-network with any insurance companies. If you’d like to utilize out-of-network benefits for your care I can provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance company for possible partial reimbursement. Please note that a diagnosis is required for out-of-network reimbursement.  I am a contracted provider for Lyra Health and can provide care for clients who wish to utilize Lyra Health EAP and Health Plan Integration benefits. 

What are the benefits of paying out-of-pocket for therapy? 

  • Higher Quality Care: Insurance companies reimburse therapists significantly below market rate. Therapists who accept insurance often have to carry large caseloads and schedule a high number of sessions per week to make a living wage. When therapists are burned out and stretched thin the quality of care they provide inevitably declines. I choose not to accept insurance so I can work with fewer clients at a time and provide higher quality, more individualized care to each person I see. 
  • Increased Autonomy: When you privately pay for therapy instead of using insurance, you and your therapist are in charge of your care – not the insurance company. You and your therapist have the freedom to decide how frequently to meet, how long your sessions will be, and what you will do during sessions to support your growth. 
  • No Unneccessary Labeling: Insurance companies require that clients have a mental health diagnosis in order to reimburse for therapy services. Not billing insurance allows us to avoid labeling you with a diagnosis that could follow you for the rest of your life.

Do you accept HSA/FSA cards for payment?


How long are your sessions? 

 I offer standard 50-minute sessions and extended 90-minute sessions. I recommend 90-minute sessions for intake appointments (your very first session) because they allow more time for us to get to know each other, gather a thorough history, and discuss your goals in detail. Extended sessions can also be useful for EMDR therapy. If you aren’t sure which session length is the best fit for you I’m happy to provide a recommendation.

How can I get the most out of my therapy investment?

Therapy is an investment of time, energy, and money. Check out my blog post Three Tips to get the Most out of Therapy to learn how you can get the biggest bang for your buck.