Steadfast Living Therapy Blog

Tips to Get the Most out of Telehealth Therapy

Tips to Get the Most out of Telehealth Therapy

I have conducted hundreds of telehealth therapy sessions. I also meet with my own therapist through telehealth. Through my time on both sides of the metaphorical telehealth therapy couch, I’ve learned that a little intentional thought and planning can drastically...

Three Books That Will Change Your Perspective

Three Books That Will Change Your Perspective

Anxious high achievers are particularly susceptible to getting stuck in rigid patterns of thinking and doing. While being routine oriented, laser-focused, disciplined, and intense can certainly have its benefits, many high achievers reach a point in their lives when...

Which Type of Therapy is Right for You?

Which Type of Therapy is Right for You?

There are A LOT of different types of therapy out there, so it can be tough to decide which type of therapy is right for you. While you don’t have to know exactly which type of therapy you need before you start (this is often something you choose in collaboration with...

What to do When Life Doesn’t go as Planned

What to do When Life Doesn’t go as Planned

If you’re a high achieving, type A person, you might have rigid expectations about how your life is going to unfold. Maybe you dream of becoming a doctor or professional athlete. Perhaps you expect you’ll meet your life partner by 25, get married by 30, and have a...

Goal Setting Tips for High Achievers

Goal Setting Tips for High Achievers

If you’re a high achiever, goal setting may be one of your favorite pastimes. You enjoy daydreaming about what’s possible and you relish any opportunity to test your limits. Nothing is more satisfying than downloading a decorative goal setting sheet from Etsy, filling...

Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Reset

Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Reset

Last week I made the mistake of putting loose leaf tea down the disposal. Not just a little bit. It was a LOT. When I flicked the disposal switch on and cranked the faucet the sink filled up with water. The water swirled around angrily, splashing my husband and me and...

How Can I Get Better at Trying New Things?

How Can I Get Better at Trying New Things?

Trying new things is hard, especially for adults. We're incentivized by money, titles, status, and praise to pour our time and energy into getting even better at what we’re already good at. Trying new things can also feel really uncomfortable and scary. When we are...

How to Get Yourself out of a Funk

How to Get Yourself out of a Funk

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up in a funk? You feel grumpy for no reason and you feel increasingly irritable with every small inconvenience you encounter? I experienced this recently. It was a Monday. I didn’t sleep well the night before. I had...