Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Reset

Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Reset

Last week I made the mistake of putting loose leaf tea down the disposal. Not just a little bit. It was a LOT. When I flicked the disposal switch on and cranked the faucet the sink filled up with water. The water swirled around angrily, splashing my husband and me and...
How Can I Get Better at Trying New Things?

How Can I Get Better at Trying New Things?

Trying new things is hard, especially for adults. We’re incentivized by money, titles, status, and praise to pour our time and energy into getting even better at what we’re already good at. Trying new things can also feel really uncomfortable and scary. When we...
How to Get Yourself out of a Funk

How to Get Yourself out of a Funk

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up in a funk? You feel grumpy for no reason and you feel increasingly irritable with every small inconvenience you encounter? I experienced this recently. It was a Monday. I didn’t sleep well the night before. I had...
Two Fun Ways to Work With Perfectionism

Two Fun Ways to Work With Perfectionism

If you identify as a perfectionist it may feel like your world comes crashing down when you screw something up, receive constructive criticism, or fumble through trying something new. You may become so wrapped up in achieving, pleasing, and producing that you lose...
Three Tips to Get the Most out of Therapy

Three Tips to Get the Most out of Therapy

Therapy is an investment. It takes time, energy, and money. So how do you get the biggest bang for your buck? Check out these three tips to get the most out of therapy. 1. Clarify your Goals Before you even start googling therapists or asking friends for a referral,...
Four Things to Know Before Starting EMDR Therapy

Four Things to Know Before Starting EMDR Therapy

1. You’ll spend several sessions preparing before you start processing. Don’t expect to dive right in. Before you even start processing the memory with bilateral stimulation (eye movements, tapping, or auditory tones) you’ll spend at least 2-3 sessions...